LAC: When did you decide to start making your health a priority (what or whom inspired this decision) and what were your goals?
Morgan: In early 2015 is when I realized I needed to change my lifestyle. Some stressful family issues caused me to always be eating on the go, and not making the best food choices. I ended up gaining twenty pounds; which being a small person all my life, it made me feel uncomfortable about myself. Cancer has also played a role in wanting to make my health a priority. My father’s side of the family has a very high rate of cancer, and after finding out it could be genetic, I had to make sure I made better choices to become the healthiest version of myself.
LAC: How did you get started and what did you do to improve your health?
Morgan: I joined LAC in February 2015. I started with just doing cardio and have now graduated to doing some weightlifting.
LAC: How did you stay motivated and what was the biggest challenge?
Morgan: The biggest key for me to stay motivated is having a great workout partner. She encourages me to push myself and we can be proud of our accomplishments together. Trying to eat a healthy diet has been the biggest challenge for me. I’ve always been a foodie so learning to say no to certain foods is a challenge, but I know it will set me further back from accomplishing my health and fitness goals.
LAC: What positive changes did you see in your life and what did you learn throughout this process?
Morgan: I’ve lost 15 pounds and gained muscle tone for the first time in my life. Before joining LAC I was never a person that would exercise, so it surprised me that working out actually gives you more energy!
LAC: Final Thoughts? Is there anything else you would like share about your story?
Morgan: After being called lazy my whole life, it feels good to be making fitness a priority, and I’m grateful for the positive environment LAC J-town has provided me.
Morgan was one of our 2016 My Journey Winners!
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